Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture by ARM
- ASB - advanced system bus
- APB - advanced peripheral bus (used for low power peripheral modules)
- AHB - advanced high performance bus
- Arbitration
- round robin priority scheme (default priority: master0)
- fair chance
- random access
- high priority
- burst transfer
- undefined length or 4, 8, 16 in length
- fixed address, incremental address, or wrap address for cache line
- split transactions
- multiple masters
- through a central arbiter
- through multiple slave level arbiters in multi-layer AHB-Lite system.
- masters could be DMA controller, a peripheral core master interface, etc.
- wider address bus, separate read or write data bus
- larger data paths (multiplexed, not tri-state)
- pipelined operation
- wait-state insertion
- data-valid signal HREADY
- AHB and APB is linked through a bridge that acts as the master to the peripheral bus slave devices.
AHB Signals
- General
- Arbiter / Master
- HBUSREQ (one from each master)
- HGRANT (one for each master)
- Master / Slave
- HRESP ([1:0] or [0] in AHB-Lite)
- 00 - OKAY
- 01 - ERROR
- 10 - RETRY
- 11 - SPLIT
- HREADY (used by slave to insert wait state)
- when it's low (from slave) all control signals shall hold their values.
- HTRANS[1:0] (set according to RD or WR)
- 00 - IDLE
- 01 - BUSY (master can use BUSY to insert wait state during bursting)
- 10 - NONSEQ
- First transfer of an AHB sequence is always NONSEQ
- 11 - SEQ
- All transfer following the first shall be SEQ in nature.
- HADDR [31:0] (muxed from individual masters to slaves and address decoder)
- Slave / Arbiter
- HMASTER [3:0] / HMASTLOCK - from arbiter
- HSPLIT# [15:0] - one from each slave
- Address Decoder / Slave
- HSEL# (one for each slave unit)
- More from Masters to Slave
- HSIZE[2:0]
- HBURST[2:0]
- 4, 8, 16 in size
- incremental
- wrapping
- 000 - single
- 001 - INCR
- 010 - WRAP4
- 011 - INCR4
- 100 - WRAP8
- 101 - INCR8
- 110 - WRAP16
- 111 - INCR16
- HPROT[3:0] - protection control
- HLOCK# - locked transfer, one from each master
- lowered during the last transfer of an AHB sequence
- Example Auxilary Signals for AHB Masters
- REQ_VLD - input to bus master, asserted when HBUSREQ is asserted
- WR - input to bus master, high when HWRITE is high
- RD - input to bus master, high when HWRITE is low
- IN_ADDR[31:0] - input to bus master, used to decide HADDR[31:0]
- IN_DATA[31:0]
- LEN#
- OUT_DATA[31:0] - output from bus master
- REQ_WR_DATA - output from bus master
- It shall be high when (REQ_ADDR & WR) to ensure data shall be put on data bus one cycle after address is on.
- When REQ_WR_DATA ==1, IN_DATA will be put to data bus in next cycle.
- REQ_RD_DATA - output from bus master
- It shall be high when it's a read transfer and HREADY == 1.
- REQ_ADDR - output from bus master
- It shall be high when (HREADY & HGRANT) to ensure master can put address in next cycle.
- When REQ_ADDR == 1, IN_ADDR will be put to address bus in next cycle.
AHB Phases
- address/control
- phase data phase
AHB Protocols
- bus master sends HBUSREQ to arbiter and an address, decoded by central decoder to provide a dedicated HSEL to selected slave unit.
- Slaves should only sample address when both HSEL and HREADY are high.
- If the slave is under re-configuration or needs to terminate a transaction, it saves the Hmaster number, and sends RETRY or SPLIT to arbiter and arbiter remove the requesting master from list until the targeted slave de-assert Hsplit. If RETRY is sent, the transaction is dropped.
- When the slave is ready, it signals the arbiter with the saved master number and the arbiter grants the bus access to the master to restart the transaction.
- No master can have more than one pending split transaction.
- Otherwise, master gets Hgrant and lock the bus.
- During burst mode (size indicated by HBURST[2:0]), master can insert wait state by sending HTRANS == BUSY. The slave has to send immediate OKAY in next cycle as for the case of IDLE and ignore the transfer.
- First burst cycle is always NONSEQUENTIAL.
- HADDR must be aligned to the HBURST size, that is, A[1:0] == 2'b00 in word transfer and A[0] == 1'b0 in halfword transfer.
- If a master is granted the bus without requesting it, it has to drive the transfer type IDLE.
APB Signals
- PRESETn - active LOW
- PSEL# - APB select
- PEN or PENABLE - APB strobe
- PADDR[31:0] - Address bus
- PWRITE - Transfer direction
- PWDATA[31:0] - Write data bus (can be 8, 16, 32 bit)
- PRDATA[31:0] - Read data bus
APB States
- IDLE : (~PSEL & ~PEN)
- SETUP : ( PSEL & ~PEN)
AHB/APB Bridge Approach
- Cross clock domain data transfer
- handshake signaling method (double stage synchronizer)
- asynchronous FIFO
ASB Signals
- AGNT# - Bus grant
- AREQ# - Bus request
- BA[31:0] - Address bus
- BCLK - Bus clock
- BD[31:0] - Data bus
- BERROR - Error response
- BLAST - Last response
- BLOK - Locked transfer
- BnRES - Reset
- BPROT[1:0] - Protection control
- BSIZE[1:0] - Transfer size
- BTRAN[1:0] - Transfer bype (driven when AGNT# is asserted)
- BWAIT - Wait response
- BWRITE - Transfer direction
- DSEL# - Slave select
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