- Put all covergroups in a class or module
- Use local variables in the class or module
- Make covergroups sensitive to a variable or explicitly sample a variable
- Have a coverage test plan
- Use automatic bins for simple covergroup
- Code coverage is not functional coverage
- line coverage
- block / statement coverage
- branch coverage
- path coverage
- toggle coverage
- expression coverage
- FSM coverage
- transition coverage
<coverpoint_name> : coverpoint <expression> { bins <bin_name> = { <list of values > } }
class coverage extends uvm_agent; `uvm_component_utils (coverage) tlm_analysis_fifo #(mem_req) req_fifo; mem_req req; mem_op op; logic [15:0] addr; covergroup mem_ops; coverpoint memop { bins action[] = {read, write}; } coverpoint addr { bins zeros = {0}; bins others = {[1 : 16'hFFFE]}; bins ones = {16'hFFFF}; } edges : cross op, addr; endgroup covergroup alu_cv; all_ops : coverpoint op; a_op: coverpoint A {bins Ais0 = {'h00};} b_op: coverpoint B {bins Bis0 = {'h00};} endgroup function new (string name, uvm_component parent);, parent); mem_ops = new(); alu_cv = new(); endfunction : new task run(); mem_data cln; mem_req req_tx; forever begin : run_loop req_fifo.get (req_tx); op = req_tx.op; addr = req_tx.addr; mem_ops.sample(); end endtask : run endclass
Example: automatic bins
typedef enum {add, and, xor, mul, rst, nop} op_t; covergroup opcov; coverpoint op; endgroup : opcov task sample_req; A = req.A; B = req.B; op = req.op; opcov.sample(); endtask covergroup alu_cv2; coverpoint op; coverpoint A; coverpoint B; option.auto_bin_max = 4; // default to 64 bins endgroup
Example: Basic Bins
covergroup opcov; coverpoint op; A00FF : coverpoint A { bins zeros = { 0 }; bins ones = { 8'hFF }; } B00FF : coverpoint B { bins zeros_ones = { 0, 8'hFF }; } endgroup
Bins with Ranges, Bins with sequences
typedef enum {add, and, xor, mul, rst, nop} op_t; covergroup opcov; coverpoint op { bins single_cyc = {[add : xor] , rst, nop}; bins multi_cyc = {mul}; } endgroup : opcov // Automatic bins with ranges bins onepervalue [] = {< list of="" values="" >}; bins n_bins [n] = { < list of="" values="" >}; bins threebins [3] = {[1:2],[2:6]}; // same as // bins threebins [3] = {1,2,2,3,4,5,6}; // Bins with sequences // run multi-cycle after reset // bins bin_name = ( < value1 > => < value2 >); covergroup opcov; coverpoint op { bins single_cycle = {[add : xor], rst, nop}; bins multi_cycle = {mul}; bins mult_rst = (mul => rst); bins rst_mult = (rst => mul); } endgroup
Bins with multiple value transitions in sequences
// Bins with multiple value transitions // bins bin_name = (< value list > => < value list >); // 1, 2 => [3:5], 7 // 1=>3, 2=>3, 1=>4, 2=>4, 1=>5, 2=>5, 1=>7, 2=>7 bins op_rst[] = ( [add : nop ] => rst ); bins rst_mult[] = ( rst => [add : nop]); // multi-cycle after single-cycle bins singl_mul[] = ( [add : xor ], nop => mul ); // single-cycle after multi-cycle bins mul_sngl[] = ( mul => [add : xor ], nop ); // Run all operations twice in a row // bins <name> = (<value list> [* n]); bins <name> = (<value list> [* n:m]); // Ex: Run 3-5 Multiplies in a row bins twoops[] = ([add:nop] [*2]); bins manymult = (mul [* 3:5]); // Nonconsecutive Repetition // <value list> [= n:m]; // nonconsecutive operator // <value list> [-> n:m]; // goto operator // • Nonconsecutive Operator (=) matches if n:m values occur // in a list of value regardless of the terminating value. // • Goto Operator (->) matches if n:m values occur in a list // of values and then a terminating value appears. bins rstmulrst = (rst => mul [= 2] => rst); // rstmulrst (match): rst => mul => xor => mul => and => rst bins rstmulrstim = (rst => mul [-> 2] => rst); // rstmulrst and rstmulrstim (match): rst => mul => xor => and => mul => rst
Cross Coverage : Use Cross and Binsof to capture combinations of values
covergroup zeros_ones_ops; all_ops : coverpoint op { ignore_bins null_ops = {rst, nop}; } a_op: coverpoint A { bins zeros = {'h00}; bins others = {['h01:'hFE]}; bins ones = {'hFF}; } b_op: coverpoint B { bins zeros = {'h00}; bins others = {['h01:'hFE]}; bins ones = {'hFF}; } basic : cross a_op, b_op, all_ops; with_a0bin : cross a_op, b_op, all_ops { bins a0bin = binsof (a_op.zeros); } // bins <bin> = binsof(<somebins>) && binsof(<otherbins>); // bins <bin> = binsof(<somebins>) || binsof(<otherbins>); zeros_ones : cross a_op, b_op, all_ops { bins AorBzero = binsof (a_op.zeros) || binsof (b_op.zeros); bins AorBones = binsof (a_op.ones) || binsof (b_op.ones); ignore_bins the_others = binsof (a_op.others) && binsof (b_op.others); } // intersect qualifier // bins <bin> = binsof(<somebins> intersect (<value_list>)) zeros_ones_2 : cross a_op, b_op, all_ops { bins add_bin = binsof (all_ops) intersect {add}; ignore_bins x = ! binsof (all_ops) intersect {add}; } endgroup
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