Sunday, October 9, 2016

OOP Programming Terms.

CRUD versus REST

CRUD means the basic operations to be done in a data repository. You directly handle records or data objects; apart from these operations, the records are passive entities. Typically it's just database tables and records. It is a simple term that was abbreviated because it's a common feature in many applications, and it's easier to say CRUD. It describes the 4 basic operations you can perform on data (or a resource). Create, Read, Update, Delete.

REST, on the other hand, operates on resource representations, each one identified by an URL. These are typically not data objects, but complex objects abstractions. It is more of a named practice just like AJAX but not a technology in itself. It encourages use of capabilities that have long been inherent in the HTTP protocol, but seldom used. When you have a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) and you point your browser to it by the address line, you're sending an HTTP request. Each HTTP request contains information that the server can use to know which HTTP response to send back to the client that issued the request.

Each request contains a URL, so the server knows which resource you want to access, but it can also contain a method. A method describes what to do with that resource.

But this "method" concept wasn't used very often.

Usually, people would just link to pages via the GET method, and issue any type of updates (deletions, insertions, updates) via the POST method.

And because of that you couldn't treat one resource (URL) as a true resource in itself. You had to have separate URLs for deletion, insertion or update of the same resource.

For example, a resource can be a user's comment. That means not only a record in a 'comment' table, but also its relationships with the 'user' resource, the post that comments, maybe another comment that it answers.

Operating on the comment isn't a primitive database operation, it can have significant side effects, like firing an alert to the original poster, or recalculating some gamelike 'points', or updating some 'followers stream'.

Also, a resource representation includes hypertext (check the HATEOAS principle), allowing the designer to express relationships between resources, or guiding the REST client in an operation's workflow.

In short, CRUD is a set primitive operations (mostly for databases and static data storages), while REST is a very-high-level API style (mostly for webservices and other 'live' systems).

a single URL describes a single resource. A single post is a single resource. With REST you treat resources the way they were meant to be treated. You're telling the server which resource you want to handle, and how to handle it.

There are many other features to "RESTful architecture", which you can read about in Wikipedia, other articles or books, if you're interested. There isn't a whole lot more to CRUD itself, on the other hand.

Example POST request  -> Goes to posts.create() method in the server GET request  -> Goes to method in the server - POST request  -> Goes to posts.delete(1) method in the server POST request  -> Goes to posts.edit(1) method in the server
With REST, you create forms that are smarter because they use other HTTP methods aside of POST, and program your server to be able to distinguish between methods, not only URLS. So for example: - POST request  -> Goes to posts.create() method in the server - GET request  -> Goes to method in the server - DELETE request  -> Goes to posts.delete(1) method in the server - PUT request  -> Goes to posts.edit(1) method in the server

CDN (Content Distribution Network)
  • Several companies, including Google and Microsoft, allow you to link to jQuery, and some other common libraries, and get that file directly from their servers.
  • This is more reliable and speedier.
  • Spreading the requests across different servers can improve performance.
  • Caching benefits - shared sites got cached on the client machine.
  • Remove "http:" to avoid complaints of encryption or not.
// Linking to Google CDN
<script src="">
// remove http:
<script src="//">

Abstract Factory pattern vs Factory Method pattern

Abstract Factory vs. Factory Method

The methods of an Abstract Factory are implemented as Factory Methods. Both the Abstract Factory Pattern and the Factory Method Pattern decouples the client system from the actual implementation classes through the abstract types and factories. The Factory Method creates objects through inheritance where the Abstract Factory creates objects through composition.

The Abstract Factory Pattern consists of an AbstractFactory, ConcreteFactory, AbstractProduct, ConcreteProduct and Client.

How to implement

The Abstract Factory Pattern can be implemented using the Factory Method Pattern, Prototype Pattern or the Singleton Pattern. The ConcreteFactory object can be implemented as a Singleton as only one instance of the ConcreteFactory object is needed.

Factory Method pattern is a simplified version of Abstract Factory pattern. Factory Method pattern is responsible of creating products that belong to one family, while Abstract Factory pattern deals with multiple families of products.

Factory Method uses interfaces and abstract classes to decouple the client from the generator class and the resulting products. Abstract Factory has a generator that is a container for several factory methods, along with interfaces decoupling the client from the generator and the products.

When to Use the Factory Method Pattern

Use the Factory Method pattern when there is a need to decouple a client from a particular product that it uses. Use the Factory Method to relieve a client of responsibility for creating and configuring instances of a product.

When to Use the Abstract Factory Pattern

Use the Abstract Factory pattern when clients must be decoupled from product classes. Especially useful for program configuration and modification. The Abstract Factory pattern can also enforce constraints about which classes must be used with others. It may be a lot of work to make new concrete factories.

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