Framework and Software Testing
- A framework is a semi-complete application that provides a reusable and common structure to share among developers who can incorporate it into their own application and extend it to their specific needs.
- A framework has a more coherent structure than a toolkits with a set of utility classes.
- For example, JUnit ( is a framework created by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck in 1997, following an earlier work called SUnit.
- Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides wrote the classic "Design Patterns : Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" book in 1995 and the four authors are often referred to as the Gang of Four (GoF).
- Kent Beck's software discipline: Extreme Programming
Types of Testing
- Programmer Test or customer test
- Unit test: confirms the method (or a unit of work) accepts the expected range of input and returns the expected output value for each input.
- API contract provides a view of expected behavior by method signature.
- Notion of API contract
- An exception should be thrown if the method cannot fulfill the contract.
- Integration tests
- Acceptance tests
- Functional tests / Behavioral tests
- web page links
- database connection
- forms
- cookies
- Usability tests
- efficiency
- navigation
- UI
- content checking
- visual style
- Compatibility tests
- browser compatibility
- OS
- mobile browser
- printing options
- Performance tests
- traffic
- loads
- stress testing
- Security tests
- authentication and authorization
- session management
- cryptography and SSL
- data validation
- denial of service
- risky activities
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