Understanding Interfaces and Abstract Methods
- To define what a class must do but not how to do it until later in specific application.
- An abstract class define its signature and return types, namely, its interface for multiple processes or methods without implementations.
- How? Specify methods with no body ({}).
- Actions are defined in a class that implements the interface.
- One interface, multiple methods is the essence of polymorphism.
- Prior to JDK 8, interfaces could not define any implementation whatsoever. JDK 8 changes the rule so that default implementation to an interface method is allowed.
- The original intent behind interface/abstract class remains. and default implementation in essence is a special use feature.
- JDK 8 also added the ability to define static methods in interfaces.
- Same as static methods in a class, static methods in interfaces can be called independently of any object created from it.
- Yes, no implementation or instance of the interface is required to call a static method.
- To call, specify the interface name, a period and the method name.
- Static interface methods are not inherited by implementing class or a sub-interface extended from the parent interface.
Using Interface References
- You can create an interface reference variable and use it to refer to any object that implements its interface.
- When you call a method on an object through an interface reference, you are calling the version of the method implemented by the object that is executed at runtime.
- This is similar as using a superclass reference to access a child class's methods on its objects.
Using Interface to Share Constants
- Though controversial, one usage of interface is to share constants among multiple classes.
- Variables in interfaces are implicitly public, static and final and these are the characteristics of constants.
- Examples of applications includes array size, various limits, special values and the like.
Extending Interface
- An interface can inherit another interface by extending.
- When a class implements the derived interface, it must implement all methods in the inheritance chain.
interface X { void method1 (); void method2 (); } interface Y extends X { void method3 (); } class Z implements Y { public void method1 () { // do something... } public void method2 () { // do something... } public void method3 () { // do something... } } class Z2 implements Y { // implements all three methods } // Using Interface References class Demo { public static void main (String args[]) { Z obz = new Z(); Z2 obz2 = new Z2(); X obx = new X(); obx = obz; System.out.println ("Class z attribute is " + obx.getAttribute()); obx = obz2; System.out.println ("Class z2 attribute is " + obx.getAttribute()); }
- All exceptions are represented by classes.
- All exceptions are derived from "Throwable" class.
- When an exception occurs, an object of some exception class is generated.
- Two direct subclasses of Throwable: Exception and Error.
- Class Error exceptions are those occur in JVM, not in the program.
- Class Error exceptions are usually beyond programmer's control.
- Class Exception exceptions are those from program activity, such as divide-by-zero, array out-of-boundary and file-not-found errors. These are called standard exceptions.
- Class Exception exceptions should be handled in the program.
- RuntimeException is an important subclass of Exception class and is used to represent various common types of runt-time errors.
- Another type of exceptions are those thrown manually by using throw statement.
Exceptions Handling
- try
- If an exception occurs within the try block, it is thrown.
- catch
- If an exception is thrown by try block, it will be handled here in a predictable way.
- throw
- Use throw to manually throw an exception.
- throws
- Use throws clause in the declaration of a method to specify an exception could be thrown out of a method.
- finally
- Use finally block to specify any activity that must be executed upon exiting from a try block.
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