- Advantages:
- Much better than CGI, ISAPI, lighter plumbing.
- Allowed for scalable, robust web development.
- Disadvantages
- Hard to incorporate sophisticated HTML.
- Harder to update HTML design, which could be designed in Dream Weaver.
- Too much dependency on HTML embedded in Java code.
Then comes JSP:
- Advantages:
- Closer to HTML.
- Same as servlets with improvement in manipulation of display characteristics.
- Disadvantages:
- developers must deal more directly with the view of the application.
- Syntax quickly becomes cryptic because of the mixing of code and display
- Too much dependency on JAVA embedded in HTML.
Meet Model-View-Controller:
- SmallTalk Language creator in 1980's came up with MVC.
- Gang of Four wrote "Design Patterns" in 1994 (Wiki).
- Model represents the data that application is about. (eg. a list of numbers)
- View is the visual representation of the model (eg. a spreadsheet/graph/chart)
- Controller is how they interact (eg. keyboard changes cell value, mouse changes graph size)
MVC applications in Java web development (Model 2):
- The model is represented by Java Beans (or Enterprise Java Beans)
- Java Beans - a method to encapsulate information.
- The view uses JSP.
- The controller is a servlet that drives the process.
- How it works:
- The user requests a servlet via a URL or a link.
- The servlet instantiates one or more Java Beans and calls methods on them.
- The beans with displayable fields are added to one of the standards collections (eg.request or sessions)
- Control is forwarded to a JSP to display the results.
Stay tuned...
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